Exploring and Optimizing Innovative Construction Solutions with Holistic Structural 消防工程

Mikko Salminen




Structural 消防工程 (SFE) plays a significant role in improving the safety of buildings and structures by providing an accurate understanding of their behaviors during fires. Standards and building codes are not usually able to prescribe all possible cases and solutions. 因此, 所有利益相关者, 包括制造商, 建筑师和设计师, 必须为新的结构类型找到最佳实践吗. The holistic approach to structural fire design helps to address the important fire safety challenges related to new building products and designs.

SFE revolves around conducting a comprehensive analysis of the thermal and structural responses of specific structural elements, 组件或整个结构框架. This analysis aims to capture the most realistic representation possible, 考虑到系统的所有相关方面. 因此, this approach proves highly valuable when dealing with solutions that lack standardization or involve characteristics that make cost-effective design challenging using more straightforward methods.


Fire tests for steel-木材 hybrid structures are crucial for ensuring the safety of buildings and structures where these materials are used. By conducting rigorous testing and adhering to established standards, fire performance can be confidently assessed and informed decisions can be made regarding their incorporation into construction projects. Tampere University has studied a lot of 木材 in fire and conducted fire tests for the steel-木材 hybrid section, which is becoming increasingly popular due to its many advantages, 包括轻量级, 可持续和快速安装.

最近发表在《皇家88账户注册》上的一项研究, 钢-木混合梁截面的防火性能,” investigated the fire resistance of slim-floor steel-木材 hybrid systems using cross-laminated 木材 (CLT). For this study, fire experts from Tampere University, Markku Kauriala Ltd. 消防工程及消防安全设计顾问, and Jensen Hughes employed furnace tests and numerical simulations to analyze thermal profiles, 温度发展, 以及炭化行为. 对薄层钢木混合梁进行了试验研究, featuring a composition comprising a CLT slab and a steel beam constructed with a rectangular hollow section (RHS) and a steel bottom plate (图1).

图1.Tested slim-floor type of a steel-木材 hybrid beam consisting of a CLT slab and a steel beam consisting of an RHS and steel bottom plate. [1]


  • How does the steel profile affect the charring of the 木材 slab?
  • 有可能减少炭化吗, 到什么程度, 通过在钢型材上涂上膨胀漆? Intumescent paint consists of a thin layer of paint on the steel surface, 在高温下, 开始激活和扩展.
  • Is it possible to estimate the charring of a 木材 slab with SFE models?

经证实,如果钢型材是无保护的, the 木材 slab chars quite similarly behind the steel flange as it would char without it. Intumescent paint in the steel profile reduces the charring in the above slab, as expected. 然而, it is challenging to avoid charring completely as intumescent paint activates at relatively high temperatures.

The structures were simulated before the fire tests to ensure the simulations were objective. 模拟结果与实测结果吻合较好. This example shows that SFE can be used to predict the fire performance of 创新 or new, 非标准的解决方案,如果模型是小心构建的.

图2. Residual cross-section of a CLT panel supported by an unprotected steel beam at 71 min of fire exposure. 皇家88账户注册张图与原尺寸相符. [1]
图3. Charring of a CLT panel supported by a fire-protected steel beam at 61 min of fire exposure. [1]
图4. 防火情况下的数值模型. [1]
Charring depth of the CLT panel from the numerical analysis at 60 min: (a) the unprotected beam section and (b) the fire-protected steel beam bottom plate. Red area represents areas where charring occurs in the CLT slab. [1]

结论, SFE has a track record of enhancing fire protection strategies for steel, 复合结构和木结构, 它继续提供可观的价值, 在处理小说时, non-standardized approaches by aiding in the identification of optimal and fire-safe solutions.

Jensen Hughes specializes in providing SFE services that offer a range of valuable benefits. Our expertise in SFE encompasses optimizing fire protection strategies, 允许暴露的结构和创新的解决方案, and enhancing the understanding of a structure's behavior in a fire. Jensen Hughes' SFE services are designed to deliver comprehensive analysis and insights that enable safe, 创新, 以及具有成本效益的结构防火安全解决方案.

The full paper can be accessed in the August 2023 publication of Fire Technology.

1. Malaska, M.Alanen, M.Salminen, M.,提莫,J. & Risto R. 钢-木混合梁截面的防火性能.《皇家88账户注册》,2023年. http://doi.org/10.1007/s10694...

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Mikko Salminen
Mikko拥有博士学位.D. 结构防火工程. He has over 15 years of experience in performance-based structural fire safety analysis of steel, 木材, 并使混凝土结构达到最优, fire-safe structural solutions ranging from detail analysis to evaluation of entire structural systems.