


当今的商业环境迫使医院和卫生保健组织面临相互矛盾的决策. 现在比以往任何时候都重要, 他们被要求通过成本规避和管理来节省每一分钱. 同时, 皇家88账户注册些组织必须维持其功能,以照顾其社区并改进其操作 environmental, social and governance (ESG) standards.

提高ESG标准对地球和社会更有利,并对获得资本具有重大意义. 投资者, from banks to private equity to donors, 寻找机会投资于致力于改善ESG的组织,作为其改善ESG标准战略的一部分. 让皇家88娱乐考虑一下典型的医院如何在提高ESG标准的同时保持法规遵从性并提高其声誉.

环境: Reducing Emissions, Consumption and Waste

The environmental standard centers around reducing greenhouse emissions, consumption and waste generation. Fortunately, options are available to improve quickly in these areas.

  • Electricity and Natural Gas Usage. 在所有医院系统中,暖通空调系统使用的能源最多. 随着时间的推移, 加热和冷却设备的盘管被碎片和生物膜污染, 增加盘管间的压降,降低热传导效率. 每年彻底清洗线圈可以大大减少能源消耗. 另外, 医院内外过渡到LED照明将减少能源消耗. 皇家88账户注册两种策略都可能得到能源供应商的支持,并随着时间的推移收回成本.
  • 医疗废物. 通过焚烧和倾倒到专门的垃圾填埋场的医疗废物处理带来了高昂的环境成本, from transportation to incineration. 现场粉碎和臭氧暴露的替代方法可以帮助处理医疗废物,使其可以正常处理, 非医疗废物. Again, this pays for itself over time and reduces environmental impact.

Social: Improving Fire and Life Safety

社会标准以健康和安全标准、采购和劳工政策为中心. 对于医院来说,皇家88账户注册直接转化为他们如何管理消防和生命安全实践. 每一个被认可的医疗保健机构都必须符合医疗保险中心制定的合规标准 & Medicaid 服务 (CMS). 另外, any incidents endanger the hospital's reputation, which can negatively impact patients' perceptions of the hospital. Health care organizations are best served by:

  • Fire/Life Safety Assessments. 作为参与CMS项目的一个条件,医院已经被要求维持一个安全的护理环境. A thorough assessment of life safety features (e.g., rated barriers and doors, 喷头保护范围, above-ceiling issues, 火警, 烟雾控制)确保受损的安全特征被识别和纠正. If an incident occurs, it will be mitigated, 和病人, 访客及职员 will be protected, which is a direct requirement of the Social Standard.
  • Surgical Fire Safety. 现代手术技术包括激光和烧灼设备的使用增加了手术火灾的风险. 全面审查术前风险评估以及灭火和疏散培训是保护患者安全和医院声誉的黄金标准.
  • Emergency Management. A good offense makes for a great defense. Hospitals must be prepared for all disasters, 预测潜在的危险,并计划立即和持续的响应. 皇家88账户注册些应急准备措施从使医院在设计和建造阶段具有复原力开始,并持续到日常运营, 救灾, and continuous operations. Hospitals are best served by a virtuous cycle of assessments, drills and evaluations, and emergency plan and procedure improvements. 虽然医院不能预防灾难,但它的好坏取决于它的预测和反应. Hospitals provide care for the community, especially after an emergency.

Governance: Maintaining 认证 and Protecting Patients

治理标准以业务的可持续性和反腐败问题为中心. For health care organizations, 皇家88账户注册意味着维持他们的认证地位,保护患者安全和信息.

  • 认证. 认证活动不仅仅是要完成的任务——它们影响着底线. CMS认证需要从医疗保险和医疗补助中获得报销, with reimbursements making up 25% to 90% of a hospital's revenue. 医院行政部门负责确保所有认证活动(例如.g.(检查、测试、维护、评估、计划)按照最佳实践标准执行.
  • 安全. Hospitals must have security measures to protect patients, 访客及职员, as well as patient and HR information. 需要采取物理和虚拟措施来控制谁可以进入医院并保护医院内的区域,同时保护医院的IT网络. 医院只有通过演习和模拟来评估和测试安全措施,才能得到最好的服务. Like emergency preparedness, 安全准备需要是识别新风险的良性循环, assessing current physical and virtual security vulnerabilities, conducting drills and evaluations, and continuously improving security measures.

Improve Your ESG Score

医院和卫生保健组织不需要从根本上改变他们的经营方式,也不需要为改善环境而产生重大的额外成本, social and governance standards. 在许多方面,皇家88账户注册意味着改进他们已经被要求做的事情,但要做得更有效.

Jensen Hughes proudly partners with health care organizations, architects and contractors, providing professional solutions to navigate these complex matters. Learn more about how the Jensen Hughes 医疗团队 can help your organization improve its ESG score and achieve its goals.