

石油泄漏事件 反应计划 and contingency planning are necessary to satisfy applicable regulatory requirements, 保护环境, and ensure the best possible safety scenario for 急救员 and employees. 当地的, state and federal regulatory agencies may require varied site information depending on particular oil-related 操作 and locations. 然而,, all emergency response plans for oil spills have one common thread: to minimize the impact of the spill.

溢油应急计划的主要目标, 不管一个设施是不是一个产品, 存储, 或者运输设施, 是:

  • Allow response personnel to prepare for and safely respond to spill incidents
  • Ensure an effective and efficient response that highlight and account for geographical challenges
  • Identify potential 设备, manpower, and other resources necessary to implement a spill response
  • Outline response procedures and techniques for combating the spill at a specific location
  • 改进法规遵从性工作

According to the 环境 Protection Agency (EPA), an oil spill contingency plan should be a set of instructions that outlines necessary procedures for before, 在, 在紧急情况之后. “A contingency plan looks at all the possibilities of what could go wrong and, “偶然的”取决于实际事件, 有联系人吗?, 资源列表, and strategies to assist in the response to the spill.”

石油泄漏事件 contingency planning should provide site-specific procedural details that address various spill scenarios and situations. 尽管具有复杂性和多样性, a well-designed oil spill containment plan should be easy to follow. Although the plans can be vastly different, they typically have four major elements in common:

  1. 风险识别
  2. 脆弱性分析
  3. 风险评估
  4. 响应行为

1. 风险识别 -众多不同的标准, 比如位置, 气候, 恶劣天气潜力, 操作, 物流, 设备, 溢油轨迹, 或者设施动力学, can create situations that can affect the ability of response personnel to contain and clean up an oil spill. These hazards should be identified and oil spill response procedures put in place to counteract challenges caused by each specific situation. It may be possible for certain identified hazards to be mitigated, 基本上完全消除了危险.

根据环保署, the following information is usually collected as part of the hazard identification:

  • Types of oils frequently produced at, stored in, or transported through that area
  • 储存大量石油的地点
  • Mode of transportation used to move the oil, such as pipelines, trucks, railroads, or tankers
  • 可能出现的极端天气情况
  • The location of response 设备 and trained response personnel

2. 脆弱性分析: It is critical when developing an oil spill contingency plan to identify and provide detailed information regarding area social, 自然, and economic resources that may be compromised or destroyed if a spill were to occur. This information regarding these non-facility related entities in the path of a spill or response, 应引导应对人员做出合理的安排, well-informed response actions to protect public health and the environment. 脆弱性分析 information in your oil spill response plan should include the following:

  • List of sensitive facilities such as schools, nursing homes, hospitals, etc.,以及每个设施的单独联系点
  • Lists of public safety agencies/officials in adjacent and nearby communities
  • Lists of large gathering or recreational areas, such as campgrounds, parks, malls, etc
  • Calendar lists of special events and point of contact
  • Identification of parts of the environment that are particularly susceptible to oil or water pollution such as water sources, 海滩, 农场

3. 风险评估: A 风险评估 quantifies the hazards and the vulnerabilities to address the potential impact of a spill on its surroundings. The oil spill contingency plan should address best possible spill containment measures, how to prevent certain populations or environments from exposure to oil, and what can be done to repair the damage done by the spill.

4. 响应行动: Employees and 急救员 should train for and exercise their assigned oil spill response procedures in order to minimize the hazards to human health and the environment. Stakeholders and applicable levels of government and industry should be consulted and incorporated in oil spill response and contingency planning. 没有人员的充分参与, 急救员, 承包商, 以及政府机构, 石油泄漏控制计划可能缺乏有效性, 信誉, 和有效性.